CCS Coordinator


September 14, 2024

13 contributors

Raised 32.57 of 99 XMR

1. Choose the amount of XMR you wish to contribute to this proposal.

2. Scan the QR code or tap to open in your Monero wallet app

or copy the following XMR address:


3. Send! Thank you! You are amazing!


Hello, plowsof here, I show up and try to be helpful. My previous proposals happened, previously. I would like to make it happen again, and do more of the same things.


  • Gather consensus for CCS proposals. (feedback from GitLab/IRC/Reddit).
  • Organise bi-weekly meetings to discuss proposals / current events (more if necessary).
  • Provide decisions in 1 month or less (Yes/No to being funded or if something has to be changed with the proposal to satisfy our community).
  • Be impartial when communicating with CCS proposers - everyone gets a fair shake.
  • Checking up on the WIP list to find / fix problems early (e.g. payments overdue or proposers AWOL).
  • Take responsibility for the entire CCS process - It's my fault when 'things go wrong'.
  • Someone who is online for several hours a day / 7 days a week that knows what's going on.
  • Act as a liaison to Core - keep them informed of whats happening / poke them when required / handle their requests.
    • As part of this CCS, you will also be sponsoring my work when quality assurance testing new features/bug fixes each release cycle in the GUI, CLI, and RPC wallets.
    • And contributions.
  • Consultancy before / during / after the idea stage.
  • Secretarial tasks for (requesting payouts upon completion of bounties and such)


Work for 25 hours per week over the next 3 months (from September to end of November 2024) at a rate of 45€ / hour. At 147.94€ / XMR (90-day EMA) this makes ~99.0 XMR.

Month 1

To be paid: 33.0

Completion date:

Month 2

To be paid: 33.0

Completion date:

Month 3

To be paid: 33.0

Completion date: