Community Crowdfunding System

Work in Progress

v1docq47 - monerokon 2024 voiceovers and working on

v1docq47 - monerokon 2024 voiceovers and working on


December 31, 2024

42.64 XMR

52 contributors

Completed 2 of 6 milestones

Note: 15XMR has been awarded to v1docq47 after closure of Netriks translation coordinator proposal

Note: 15.371159810053XMR from v1docq47s' historical overfunding has been awarded to this proposal


Hi, everyone!

v1docq47 is here!

This is our new CCS proposal for voiceover of Konferenco 2024 videos into Russian, creating other content for Monero Russian Community Youtube channel and continue supporting XMR.RU.

Who I Am?

Since 2017 we've been working on translations, transcriptions, voiceover videos and writing various articles and manuals about Monero in Russian.

We also create news weekly and quarterly / informational / tutorial videos.

Besides we are publishing text translations of all the Monero speeches both in Russian and English in a separate repository (similar to previous events like Monero Konferenco 2023, Monerotopia 2023, Critical Decentralisation Cluster (36c3) so that everyone could not only watch, but also read the text versions of the speeches.

That is, we are localizing the Monero project into Russian.

Shortlist of my previous Monero localization works

Shortlist of my previous videos / voiceover for Monero Russian Community YouTube channel

My other projects


During the upcoming period we plan to accomplish the following milestones:

As always, the whole process and progress will be displayed in our Trello board.

How much and Payouts

10$ per hour, ~30 hours per week or ~120 hours per month (~3-5 hours a day)

30-day average Monero price on Kraken ~158$ (on 14.11.2024)

In total

120 (hours per month) * 6 (month) * 10 ($ per hour) = 7200 / 158 (30-day average Monero price) = ~45.6 XMR for 6 months work

7.6 XMR per month starting from December


To be paid: 16.66% (7.6 XMR)

Completion date: December 31, 2024


To be paid: 16.66% (7.6 XMR)

Completion date: January 31, 2025


To be paid: 16.66% (7.6 XMR)

Completion date:


To be paid: 16.66% (7.6 XMR)

Completion date:


To be paid: 16.66% (7.6 XMR)

Completion date:


To be paid: 4.64 XMR

Completion date:

Funds Awarded: 15.2

Date: 23 March 2025

Funds Awarded:


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