Community Crowdfunding System

Work in Progress

acx part-time work on Monfluo (3 months)

acx part-time work on Monfluo (3 months)


February 28, 2025

13.98 XMR

1 contributors

Completed 0 of 3 milestones


Hi, I am acx.
About six months ago I have forked Mysu (an abandoned Android wallet) and continued its development and maintenance.
The fork is named Monfluo and is available here

Since starting the fork, I did (among other things) the following:

  • Implemented multi-wallet functionality (also wallet renames and deletion)
  • Implemented multi-account functionality
  • Separated wallet password and seed offset (previously you could not set them to different values)
  • Reworked secrets tab, allowing the user to apply seed passpharse offset when saving seed
  • Fixed a bug where sync progress was lost when the wallet was closed before the sync is finished
  • Implemented APK building in the pipeline (making it easier for users to test any commit without waiting for a release)
  • and several other changes, you can check all of them here

Monfluo is by design a very simple wallet, and one of the goals is having no "integrations" such as swapping services, sending to other cryptos, fiat on/off-ramps, etc. I do not earn any fees from the wallet.


I will continue maintenance and development of Monfluo. I will be working on the things listed here, among the most important ones:

  • Updating to newer Monero versions, when required
  • Setting up a clearnet F-Droid repo together with an onion mirror
  • Setting up translations
  • Issues #67 and #71
  • Working on making Monfluo reproducible (I do not expect to finish this one during this CCS, but I want to start investigating it)


I am asking for 25$/h.
With 40 hours a month (~9 hours a week) * 3 months at ~$215/XMR this makes 25*40*3/215 ~= 14 XMR

Month 1

To be paid: 4.66 XMR

Completion date:

Month 2

To be paid: 4.66 XMR

Completion date:

Month 3

To be paid: 4.66 XMR

Completion date:

Funds Awarded:


Funds Awarded:


Funds Awarded:
