Community Crowdfunding System

Completed Tasks

Archive Monero Github code on a self-host onion instance and sia network

Archive Monero Github code on a self-host onion instance and sia network

by monero_archive

August 19, 2022

1.5 XMR

1 contributors


Proposal closed

The remaining funds (0.2XMR) have been donated to the general fund.

Recently tornado cash is sanctioned and its github repo is deleted. Monero code should be mirrored on censorship resistant platforms to avoid being vaporized by a government order. I plan to setup a gitea hidden mirror to mirror all monero code on github as a backup, and regularly pack monero source code and upload them on sia network. Sia network is a file storage network that allows you to host large files in a very cheap and decentralized way. Unlike IPFS it guarantees your file will always be online. Funds received will be mainly used to maintain the server that host the onion gitea site. This can sustain around 1 year if the monero price does not drop too much.

Tor gitea mirror

To be paid: 1.3

Completion date: 26 September 2022

Sia network archive

To be paid: 0.2

Completion date:

Funds Awarded: 1.3

Date: 26 September 2022

Funds Awarded:
