[Monero Aligned] Locha Mesh, a resilient long-range radio mesh network

Randy Brito (@randybrito | @rdymac | @btcven)

January 19, 2020


Raised 150.07 of 150 XMR

Your contribution should be visible within 5 minutes of you sending your contribution. If for some reason it is not there, please contact a member of the Core Team!

Contribute with a QR code

1. Choose the amount of XMR you wish to contribute to this proposal

2. Scan this QR code or tap to open in your Monero wallet app:

3. Send! Thank you! You are amazing!

Contribute using an address

1. Choose the amount of XMR you wish to contribute to this proposal

2. Enter the following XMR address:


3. Send! Thank you! You are amazing!